What is RBERN?


Capital District             Statewide

20 years

Providing technical assistance to districts with English Language Learners (ELLs)

19 counties

Served at no cost thanks to a state contract

150 school districts

Supported by our team of specialists

annual trainings

Help educators support students whose first language is not English

50 languages

Spoken by ELLs in our service region

3,843 ELLs

Served in our RBERN region
Questar III • Capital District Region RBERN
10 Empire State Blvd. • Castleton, NY 12033
Tel: (518) 477-8771 • Fax: (518) 477-1335

Questar III hereby advises students, parents, employees and the general public that it offers employment/educational opportunities without regard to sex, race, color, national origin or disability. More information for students/prospective students and employees/applicants.

This website was produced by Questar III's Communications Service. Copyright 2022 Questar III.