The C6 Biliteracy Framework Advanced (facilitated by Dr. José Medina)
The C6 Biliteracy Framework Advanced Workshop allows administrators and teacher leaders the opportunity to engage in deep learning about dual language best practices via role play, coding of biliteracy instructional practices, and lesson planning design. Using the C6 Biliteracy Framework, participants will engage in practices that align with the recommendations in the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education; Third Edition.
Participants in the professional learning will be able to: Analyze dual language best practices; Engage in collaborative dialogue to support high-quality dual language programming and instructional best practices; Identify personal action items resulting from the professional learning activity.
This is a four-part series that will be held on September 27, 2023, January 18, 2024, February 29, 2024, and May 8, 2024.