Inspiring, Engaging, and Empowering Our Youth through Culturally and Linguistically Relevant Instructional and Curricular Practices by Dr. Hunter
Session 6:
These sessions will allow for participation in an interactive professional development virtual learning series (i.e., nine, 1.5-hour sessions, January through June) on culturally and linguistically relevant instructional and curricular practices where we explore ways to inspire, engage, and empower our youth. We will deepen our collective understanding of the complex issues (e.g., racism, poverty, language, gender, etc.) that impact student learning outcomes, while developing classroom approaches, strategies, and tools that foster and support cultural and linguistic inclusion, diversity, equity, and justice. At the center of our collective work are Critical Inquiry Projects (CIP): classroom-based inquiry projects that afford students the opportunity to critically examine an experienced or recognized injustice from their lived social realities by intentionally blending academic knowledge with critical and social awareness to provide students with the necessary skill sets to actively participate in a democratic society. Objectives for this virtual learning series are 1) to revisit and discuss the major tenets of Culturally and Linguistically Relevant Pedagogies and other asset-based instructional and curricular frameworks, 2) to review the application of asset-based instructional and curricular frameworks in classroom environments, and 3) to implement asset-based instructional and curricular frameworks in classrooms during the academic year.
This virtual learning series is informed by the most current and reputable evidence-based research on asset-based instructional and curricular practices, aligned with NYSED’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Framework, and adheres to the guidelines of specialized professional associations that govern pertinent content areas and relatable instructional practices.