Twice-Exceptional Part 2 RTI for ELLs
Twice-Exceptional ELLs 2.0 – a deeper dive into strategies and considerations to support English Learners using the RtI process. This workshop will help administrators and educators to identify strategies and possible structures of programs that will support their ELLs using the RtI process. Participants will then have the opportunity to review their existing RtI process and analyze intervention strategies and practices. In this two part session, the first session will cover content with multiple opportunities for interaction. This will be followed by a workshop-style book study that will allow participants a deep-dive into a topic of their choosing. Participants of this session will receive a copy of the book RtI for Diverse Learners by Catherine Collier (mailed to your home address). *Participants need to be registered by June 14th in order to receive the book.