The Dual Language Administrator: Essentials (Facilitated by Dr. José Medina)

This session is designed to provide administrators and teacher leaders a foundational understanding of the strands described in the highly regarded Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education: Third Edition. Participants will engage with biliteracy research via interactive activities that will allow them to better support teachers who serve emergent bilingual students. All activities in the professional learning session will align to the three goals of dual language: bilingualism & biliteracy, high academic achievement in both program languages, and sociocultural competence. 

Participants in the professional learning will be able to: 

  • Identify effective best practices, based on the available research, in order to effectively guide dual language programs 
  • Assess current curricular and instructional practices that impact the attainment of the three goals of dual language
  • Analyze culturally sustaining practices that are important in creating an inclusive learning environment while also addressing systems of oppression

Dates: October 4 and November 7
Location: Virtual
Time: 1:30 – 4:30
Link to register:


Nov 07 2024


1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Questar III • Capital District Region RBERN
10 Empire State Blvd. • Castleton, NY 12033
Tel: (518) 477-8771 • Fax: (518) 477-1335

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