Equity for ELLs in the Science Classroom
This workshop series is designed for teachers to gain a deeper understanding of the NYS Science Learning Standards and investigations (for the elementary- and intermediate-levels). With this knowledge, we will explore strategies that support all learners engaging with science, including English language learners, so that they can thrive, and demonstrate growth and mastery of skills and content in the science classroom.
Workshop 2 on 12/11/23 Elementary-level only (Grades 3-5) 4:00-5:00
Workshop 3 on 12/11/23 Intermediate-level only (Grades 6-8) 5:00-6:00
Workshop 4 on 1/22/24 All grade levels (Grades PK-12) 4:00-5:00
Workshop 5 on 2/12/24 All grade levels (Grades PK-12) 4:00 – 5:00
Link to register: https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=15197&H=1&I=4577948