Empowering Science Educators: Supporting All Learners in Secondary Science

This minds-on workshop is designed for secondary science teachers ready to three-dimensionalize their instructional practices and create student-centered, inclusive learning environments. Throughout the workshop, educators use their knowledge of the NYS Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) and Performance Level Descriptions (PLDs) to explore strategies for supporting all students with Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs). Educators will:

  • Create learning environments that support all students, including English language learners (ELLs), by Increasing student engagement and sense-making through the 5E Model of Instruction
  • Focus on specific SEP strategies that foster critical thinking, collaboration, and authentic learning experiences
  • Develop and collaborate on classroom resources (e.g., labs, activities, slide decks, hyperdocs, etc.

Dates and Topics:
11/18/24: Hyperdocs 101: Student Choice and Differentiation Made Easy
1/13/25: Models 101: Making Sense of Phenomena and Eliciting Ideas
2/10/25: Labs 101: Investigations for Exploring Phenomena
4/7/25: Labs 102: Skip the Cookbook Labs–Extending Student Learning through “DYO” Labs
5/12/25: Sparking Sense-making with the Suchman Model of Inquiry
6/9/25: Beyond CER: Constructing Evidence-based, Whole-Group Understanding of Phenomena

Time: 3:00 – 4:00 (2/10, 5/12, 6/9)  or 3:30 – 4:30 (11/18, 1/13, 4/7)
Location: Virtual
Registration link: https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=15197&I=4862789


Nov 18 2024


3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Questar III • Capital District Region RBERN
10 Empire State Blvd. • Castleton, NY 12033
Tel: (518) 477-8771 • Fax: (518) 477-1335

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