A Journey Towards Sociocultural Competence (facilitated by Dr. José Medina)

Dual language educators and leaders must actively advocate for dual language programs. An integral component of this advocacy must include ensuring that all stakeholders are engaged in conversations about bias,
privilege, discrimination, and systems of oppression. Ultimately, the goal is to create educational
environments where all students, families, educators, and community members are valued and respected.

Participants in the professional learning will be able to: Reflect on personal bias, privilege, and participation in systems that oppress; Identify areas of strength and growth at the personal, classroom, school, and district levels, in terms of creating inclusive educational environments; Delineate specific action items that will strengthen personal ability to advocate for all people via an anti-bias, anti-racism lens.
A link will be sent to all registered participants on September 25th.

Register: https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=15197&H=1&I=4523846


Sep 26 2023


8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Questar III • Capital District Region RBERN
10 Empire State Blvd. • Castleton, NY 12033
Tel: (518) 477-8771 • Fax: (518) 477-1335

Questar III hereby advises students, parents, employees and the general public that it offers employment/educational opportunities without regard to sex, race, color, national origin or disability. More information for students/prospective students and employees/applicants.

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